Jen Is Losing It!

Follow me through my journey as I lose weight and possibly my mind. Provide feedback and/or buy my artwork if interested.

Early Morning Thoughts

Some people will encourage you to grow, and give you some sincere compliments. They stand by you, not in front or behind, in thick and thin. At the same time, they honor your space. Those are your people.

Others will find any excuse to try and tear you down a notch or two, especially when you’re already stuck at rock bottom. Don’t give them that authority—only you can control your thoughts and actions.

Reacting can lead you worse off. It may take some time at first but learning to respond is the true answer. Reacting is inviting chaos, responding is using logic and rational thinking skills. I once heard anger itself isn’t good or bad, it’s your behavior/what you do with it that gets labeled.

Feel free to weigh in on this topic, and I’ll weigh in later this morning on my actual scale…

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